Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Holiday Fun Reading

Reading isn't that boring if it is about something we like. How to get the mood in reading then? First, we have to spend some time to do this. Second, choose a book that you like (characters, setting, etc). Third, provide some snack and drink to accompany you while reading the book.
For this, you can start from some short stories written in your module. Open page 46-51 and then you'll get some fable. Read and grab the moral value from the stories. Fill in the blanks with the information from the stories. Not only filling in the blanks, you can also draw something on the box provided with your imagination of the stories.


Drama Performance

Do you know the story of Cinderela, Beauty and the Beast or Snow White?
Yup, they are such legend stories we've heard even watched before.
Your next project will be related to them. But, don't imagine about the crown of the King, the beauty of the Queen, the hansomness of the Prince, or something like that.
Now, you will deal with animals. All things about animal story. We call it fable where all the characters are animals.
For this, please make a short drama, for about 9-10 minutes, to play infront of the class.
Be total and be "the animal" to make great characters. Don't humiliate yourselves by playing around whilest the performance.
Support your acting with the properties and "costumes" you make from recycle things (newspaper).
Don't forget to practice it day by day and often do the rehearsal with the others.


My Picture

We can find wise words in our daily lives. We get it from our parents, other older people, friends, teachers, even from our friends.
For this, for you 8 graders, please make a picture from one quotation you know. What's in your mind after reading the quote? What can you imagine about it? If you've got it, draw it! Draw on an A4 paper. After that make the explanation about your picture. Describe it, explain why you draw like that, add illustration from it and then give conclusion at the end of your explanation. Don't forget for the opening and the closing.
Present it infront of the class by Monday, 4 April 2011.'s for the speaking test (daily)


Monday, September 20, 2010

Mid. Test Semester 1 - 2009/2010

Test... test... test... :)

For you YSKI eight graders...
Mid. Test is ready for it... be prepared for it...

Here are the materials for you to deal with:

1. Descriptive Text
2. Reflexive Pronoun(I->Myself, You->Yourself/yourselves, They->Themselves, We->Ourselves, He->Himself, She->Herself, It->Itself)
3. WH-Question(What?, Where?, When?, Who?, Why?, How?)
4. Expressions in Speaking
5. Simple Present Tense (S + V1) with -s/-es / (S + is/am/are + Adj/Noun/Adverb)

"YOU CAN do it if you BELIEVE YOU CAN."

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Come and Join LDK 2010

It will be F.U.N. ^^

Class 8 Home Work During Holiday

I have two things for you to do during your holiday...
The first one is Reading Report and Sustained Silent Reading (SSR). Read some books and fill in the forms you have.
The second one is My Movie. Just watch some movies and then choose the best one to make the report. Look at SSR form to make the report.

The last but not the least...


Friday, July 23, 2010


SSR (Sustained Silent Reading) is a reading activity which is done continuously. We may finish one book or change it in the middle of reading. If we like the book, just finish it. If not, just leave it and find the other we interested in.
This activity is quite pleasurable. We can retell the story with our own words. Just feel free to add "improvisation" as to show our creativity in developing our writing skill. For example in creating the end of the story.
We can also reveal our imagination through pictures related to the story of the book. When we read the story, it flies us to the imaginary world that is no boundary about it. That's why we can show it in a visual media, our picture.
So, just try it and enjoy it!